Feminists Choosing Life of New York (FCLNY) is a state-wide human rights coalition that embraces and promotes whole life feminism and the consistent life ethic. FCLNY's public advocacy draws connections between the root causes of violence, inequality and the social forces that dehumanize.
FCLNY Supports the Consistent Life Ethic
We oppose publicly sanctioned lethal violence including violent military action, abortion, assisted suicide and capital punishment, and educate on the impacts and root causes including poverty, domestic violence, sex trafficking, and racism .
FCLNY advocates for peaceful solutions.
We accomplish our goals through SEVEN bold initiatives:
• Community Encounters • Scholarly Events • Film Involvement • Media Outreach • Grassroots Campaigns • Projects that Empower • Legislative Advocacy
Make The Switch Now!
More than half of abortions in the U.S. now involve two “abortion pills,” Mifepristone and Misopristol. It is currently legal in NY for retail pharmacies to mail abortion pills with a prescription via tele-health. CVS and Walgreens have already obtained their certification to dispense abortion pills. Walgreens started providing medication abortions in NY.
Giant retail pharmacies are more likely to undergo the expensive certification process than independent privately owned family pharmacies.
Chemical abortion kills human beings and increases health risks for women. Retail pharmaceutical sale of abortion pills is deadly for unborn children and harmful for women.
As long as privately owned pharmacies continue to resist selling abortion pills we will continue to PROMOTE AND SUPPORT them.

Building a Post-Roe Future
The Pro Life movement has always recognized the importance of supporting women facing unplanned pregnancies.
We are Pro Life conservatives, moderates, and liberals united in our conviction that every human life has value- including the lives of both the unborn child and that child's mother.
We believe that our society should prioritize the needs of both, and that ultimately this can only be achieved by significant changes in public policy including
expanded child tax credits
paid parental leave
flexible work hours
affordable child care
prenatal child support laws
Relevant portions of the NY RHA legal challenge are currently on appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The rights of viable unborn children, presented by the NY RHA lawsuit, are hopefully one step closer to adjudication by the U.S. Supreme Court. We hope the lawsuit will land squarely in the hands of the same U.S. Supreme Court Justices that overturned Roe vs. Wade (1973) in Dobbs vs. Jackson (2022). Stay Tuned!