
We're excited to share our new library, featuring a diverse selection of resources designed to support and educate our nonprofit community. Our carefully curated collection includes books in the following categories:
Pro-Life Feminism
Consistent Life Ethic
Early American Movements
& More!
The library is located at FCLNY headquarters: 1545 East Avenue, Rochester NY 14610.
To reserve a book, simply email us at info@fclny.org and we will arrange a date/time for pick-up.

Please note, books should be returned within 12 weeks. If a book is not returned by the specified date, FCLNY kindly requests that it be purchased at its current value Additionally, books cannot be mailed for reservation.
Happy reading!
Essential Pro-Life Feminist Literature
​Essential Pro-Life Feminist Books
Suffrage, Abortion, and Women’s Empowerment in Reconstruction America
by Madeleine McDowell and Monica Klem
Encounter Books/Nov 2023
Peace Begis in the Womb: Reflections from a Pro-Life Feminist
by Marilyn Kopp
AuthorHouse/May 2023
The Case Against the Sexual Revolution:
A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century,
by Louise Perry
Polity/May 2022
Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All
by Amiee Murphy
New City Press/2022
Healing the Identity Crisis Caused by the Women's Movement
By Leah A. Jacobson
Lumen Press/June 2021
The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision
By Erika Bachiochi
University of Notre Dame Press/July 2021
By Joshua Prager
W. W. Norton & Company/September 2021
Broken Bonds: Surrogate Mothers Speak out
By Jennifer Lahl
Spinifex Press/April 2019
By Charles C. Camosy
New City Press/May 2019
The Young Advocates Guide to Living Peace and Justice Daily
By Mary Grace Coltharp and Aimee Murphy
Independently Published/September 2018
Fiorella Nash
Ignatius Press/July 2018
Segregation’s Science: Eugenics and Society in Virginia
By Gregory Michael Dorr
University of Virginia Press/March 2018
By Karissa Haugeberg
University of Illinois Press/May 2017
At Play in the Lion's Den: A Biography of Daniel Berrigan
by Jim Forest
Orbis Books/2017
By Scott Schaeffer Duffy
Haleys/February 2016
The Pro-life Movement before Roe V Wade
By Daniel K. Williams
Oxford Press/ January 2016
Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion
By Rachel MacNair, Ph.D.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform/May 2016
Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong
by Ryan Bomberger
Bara Publishing/2016
By Charles C.Camosy
Eerdmans Publishing Co./March 2015​
By Sue Ellen Browder
Ignatius Press/2015
Jim Wallis on How to Win the War on Poverty
Elise Daniels
Article/January 2014
Active Non-Violence: The Way of Personal Peace
By Gerard A Vanderhaar
Wipf and Stock/September 2013
By Abby Johnson
Ignatius Press/January 2011
Non-Violence in Theory and Practice
By Barry L. Gann and Robert L. Holmes
Waveland Pr. Inc,/ December 2011
By Rachel MacNair, Ph.D
Praeger/November 2011
Achieving Peace in the Abortion War
By Rachel MacNair, Ph.D (Feminism and Nonviolent Studies Association)
iUniverse/December 2008
Consistently Opposing Killing:
From Abortion to Assisted Suicide, the Death Penalty, and War
Edited by Rachel MacNair and Stephen Zunes
Praeger/April 2008​
Working for Peace: a Handbook on Practical Psychology
By Rachel MacNair, Ph.D
Impact/ July 2006
The Democrats, the Media, the Courts,
and the Disregard for Human Life
Ramesh Ponnuru
Regnery Publishing/April 2006
Mairead Corrigan And Betty Williams:
Partners for Peace in Northern Ireland
By George Mitchell and Susan Muaddi Darraj
Chelsea House Publications/October 2006
The Pro-life Movement and the Peace Movement
By Steve Levicoff
Toviah Press/January 2001
By Lois Kerschen
Greenwood/June 1998
By Angela Kennedy
Four Courts Press/June 1997
Pro-life Feminism: Yesterday and Today
By Rachel MacNair, Mary Krane Derr, Linda Naranjo Huebl
Sulzburger and Graham Publishing Ltd,/ November 1995
Gandhi’s Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence
Erik Erikson
W.W. Norton and Co./April 1993​
An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States
By Helen Prejean, SSJ
Random House/1993​
Essential Pro-Life Feminist Articles
coming soon!
Essential Pro-Life Feminist Classics
Dear Sister Feminist...
Letter between Evelyn Judge & Mary Krane Derr, 1089
Taylor Branch
Simon and Schuster/ 1989
By Art Laffin and Anne Montgomery
Harper and Row/1987
Seeds of Peace: A Catalogue of Quotations
By Jeanne Larson and Madge Micheels-Cyrus
New Society Publishers/October 1986
Rachel Weeping: the Case against Abortion
By James Burtchael
HarperCollins/April 1984
Handbook for Conscientious Objectors
By Robert Seeley
Central Committee for Conscientious Objection/1981
By Thomas Merton
Farrarr, Straus, Giroux/June 1981
Edited by Thomas W. Hilgers and Dennis J. Horan
Sheed and Ward/1972
By Thomas Merton
New Directions/May 1965
By Mahatma Gandhi
Jitendra T. Desai Navajivan Mudranalaya, Ahemadabad-380014 India/ 1960​