FCLNY develops social media campaigns and publishable commentary for print and online news outlets, including educational opinion essays. FCLNY also appears on TV and radio and in diverse print and online platforms.
All of our media exposure listed on our media outreach webpage is EARNED MEDIA.
Welcoming The Stranger. All of Them.
The Good Newsroom,
Recalling Impact of Carter's Support for Hyde Amendment
Democrat and Chronicle
Suffragists Were Not Generally Supporters of Abortion
Democrat and Chronicle
Why does NY Prioritize Abortion Over Life-Changing Care?
Rochester Beacon
New York should not enshrine transgender rights for minors. Parents need a say
Star-Gazette, The Leader, The Poughkeepsie Journal, The Daily Messenger, The Ithica Journal, The Press & Sun-Bulletin, Democrat & Chronicle, Utica Observer Dispatch, Times Herald Record, The Journal News
New York's Equal Rights Amendment will Deprive Parents of their Role
Buffalo News
Logic on Abortion Law Runs Counter to Gun Law
Democrat & Chronicle
Break the Binary Political Divide on Death
Democrat & Chronicle
'Sound of Freedom' Details Unseen Horrors
Democrat & Chronicle​
Physician Assisted Suicide Hurts the Dying and Their Caregivers
Albany Times Union
Re-thinking Dying and End-of-Life Care
The Wellsville Sun, Artvoice, Olean Times Herald​, Adirondack Daily Enterprise, El Ignaciano
Similarities in Restricting Gun, Abortion Industries
Lockport Journal, Niagara Gazette
Providing Free Abortion Pills is Destructive
Democrat & Chronicle
Abortion Pill Distribution Harms Unborn, Mothers
Buffalo News
Enlist NY Abortion Providers To Stop Human Trafficking
Syracuse Post Standard
Revisit Planned Parenthood's In Control
Democrat and Chronicle
Feedback: Readers Weigh in on Pregnancy Resource Center Coverage
Rochester City Newspaper
Consider History When Thinking of Racism and Abortion
Democrat & Chronicle (newsprint only)
Other Options
NY Daily News
Budget Helps Impoverished Pregnant Women
Peace: Investigating the Meaning of the Consistent Life Ethic During War Time
Buffalo Latino Village (newsprint only)
Old Fight is New Again for Unborn
Albany Times Union
Advances in Science, Medicine Lower the Age of Fetal Viability
Buffalo News
Many Founding Mother's Were Against Abortion
Auburn Citizen
Adding Women to Draft Runs Counter to Principles of Peace
Democrat & Chronicle (Newsprint Only)
Women Deserve Full Information About Abortion Effects
Washington Examiner
Passing SUNY Abortion Bill Would Be A Mistake
The Democrat & Chronicle (Newsprint Only)
Destroying the Hyde Amendment Could Spell Disaster
For Women
Bill Would Tip Scales Against Pregnancy Resource Centers
Violence, Including Capital Punishment Leaves Us Broken
Viable unborn children can live without their mothers — our Constitution protects them
USA Today, The Human Life Review, News Break, Daily Magazine
NY Abortion Law Does not Protect Women
New York Fails to Protect the Most Vulnerable Among Us: Unborn Children
New York Should not Use Medical Resources on Abortions During Pandemic
Why is New York Giving Abortion a Pass During
Coronavirus Crisis?
Viewpoint: Sides Agree on Denouncing Commercial Surrogacy
Letter: On Legalized Surrogacy, Just Follow the Money
Planned Parenthood Crying Wolf on Titles X Funding
Treating a Fetus as a Person
Viewpoint: RHA — Dangerous, Dehumanizing, and Anti-Woman
The Reproductive Health Act is Extreme Pro-Abortion Legislation
Don’t Expand Abortion in New York
New York's Abortion Laws
Another Voice: Reproductive Health Act Sets Women Back
Don't let NY Repeal Abortion Safeguards For Women, Babies
Calling on the State Senate to Block Bills Expanding Abortion
Proposed Budget's Changes To Abortion Law Are Extreme
Feminists Choosing Life Will Stand For Women’s Health On Women’s Equality Day
Rights Should Apply in Utero, Too
Abortion Multiplies Tragedy of War
Don't Leave Out Pro-life Feminists
Will Walk's Message Truly Be Inclusive?
Feedback on New York's Abortion Law
Abortion Is A Cancer To The Feminist Politic
Will Women's Marches Include 'Pro-Life' Feminists?
College Teaches Students How to Become Radical Abortion Activists
Ithaca College 'Intersectional Feminist' Class Teaches how to 'Resist Abortion Bans"
The College Fix
N.Y. Becomes the First State to Offer Paid Leave to Expectant Mothers for Prenatal Appointments
The Evangelist, Catholic Review
N.Y. Catholics warn Equal Rights Amendment on this year’s ballot could undercut parental rights
Bishops Urge Voters To Reject Proposed Amendment They Call ‘Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing’
NY bishops urge rejection of 'wolf in sheep’s clothing' Equal Rights Amendment
NY Catholics warn Equal Rights Amendment on this year's ballot could undercut parental rights
NY bishops urge voters to reject proposed amendment they call ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’
New Yorkers Will Vote on Making Abortion an 'Equal Right' in State's Constitution
More Campuses are Requiring Access to Abortion Pill: "Women are Being Exploited"
Pro-Lifers Say New Law Lacks Safeguards,
Support for Families
We Can’t Allow Oppressive Systems to Co-opt Abolitionist Language
Policy Proposals for Building a Post-Roe Future
Will We Keep Marching? On Roe's 50th Anniversary, Abortion Opponents Reach a Crossroads
The 2023 Manhattan Witness for Life Featured Egging, Halloween Masks & Creepy Pope Costumes — But That Didn’t Deter Us
Priest Found Guilty of Blocking Entrance to Abortion Clinic, Faces Prison Time
They're not Religious. But They Oppose Abortion
Town Rescinds Abortion Zoning Law
Anti-Abortion Feminism. How is this even a thing?
For New York's Anti-Abortion Veterans, Roe's Fall Is Not a Full Victory
In New York, Anti-Abortion Centers Outnumber Abortion Clinics
Roe vs. Wade Decision
Historic Roe v. Wade Ruling a Momentous Day for Many in Rochester for Different Reasons
How will Supreme Court Ruling Affect Abortion Laws in NY?
Weekend News Brief
Pro-life Groups and Politicians Celebrate Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade
Leaked Abortion Opinion Draft Add Fuel To The Fire Of Political Debate Over Roe vs. Wade
Coming of Age during Roe v. Wade: Women Tell Us how They Saw the Moment Then and Now
Washington Post
Actress Speaks at Finger Lakes Pro-Life Event
Finger Lakes Daily News, News Break
Inside the Anti-Abortion Movement's 'Feminist' Quest to End the Pill
Inspiring women: Celebrating their legacy
New York Bill Would Force All Public Colleges to Offer Free Abortions
New York bill would require taxpayer-funded medical abortions be available to all students at public colleges
New York Introduces Bill To Offer Free Abortion Pills To State University Students On Campus
New York Bill Would Force SUNY Schools to Provide Abortion Pill on Campuses
Proposed Bill Would Require SUNY Schools to Provide Abortion Pills on Campuses
As Supreme Court Shifts Under Trump, Cuomo Vows to Expand Abortion Rights
Governor Cuomo Support Radical Abortion Agenda
Gov. Cuomo Wants to Make Abortion a Constitutional Right in NY
The Reproductive Health Act: Fact v. Fiction
Will New York Have the Most Liberal Abortion Laws in the World?
Delusional Andrew Cuomo Wants to Expand the 'Right' to Kill Your Unborn Child Even Further
New York Gov. Cuomo: No Budget Unless Abortion Made Legal for any Reason until Birth
NY Gov. Cuomo Refuses to Sign State Budget until Lawmakers Approve Bill Legalizing Abortion for Any Reason until Birth
New York State to Expand State Abortion Law to Allow Some Third-Trimester Procedures
New York Governor Cuomo Ties State Budget to Passage of Aggressive Abortion Bill
New York's Radical Abortion Law Repeals Protections for Wanted Babies, Too
The State of New York Rules that Women Can Get Later Term Abortions for any Reason, and that Killing an Unborn Child is not Murder
Roe Anniversary Protests
The Consistent Life Ethic Blog
Trafficking and Women’s and Children’s Health: Intervention, Recovery and Prevention
Center For Family & Human Rights
RHA: How Far is Too Far?
The Queens Village Republican Club, America's Oldest, 1875
Will the NY State Senate Protect Abortion Rights?
Thousands To Come To Seneca Falls On Saturday To Continue Push For Women's Rights
Rochester Anti-Abortion Advocates Highlight Alternatives
Advocates Rally in Downtown Rochester on 51st Anniversary of Roe V. Wade.
Response to Overturning of Roe V. Wade,
One Year Later
New York Abortion Bill Headed for Governor's Desk has Constitutionality Questioned.
Local Organizations React to Supreme Court Decision to Expand Access to Abortion Pill
Abortion continues to be hot topic on the 50th anniversary of Roe V. Wade
The Impacts of Living in a Post-Roe America
What Will It Truly Mean to be "Pro-Life" after Abortion is Banned in many American States
Local Reaction to President Biden's Executive Order Signing
NYS Lawmakers Vote on Gun, Abortion Measures
Congressman Joe Morelle Hosts Town Hall on Women's Health and Abortion Rights
'Stay Out of My House!': Just Part of the Reaction to the Supreme Court Decision on Abortion
Overturning of Roe v. Wade Causes Whirlwind of Emotions in Western New York
Abortion Divide: Reaction from the Pro-choice, Pro-life Movements
Hochul Announces $35 Million to Support Abortion Providers
Abortion Providers in Western NY Prepare to Expand Care to Women From Other States
Planned Parenthood Rally Held At Parcel Five
Supreme Court Leak Ignites Local Roe v. Wade Debate
Pro-life and Pro-Choice Groups React to Roe v. Wade Draft Opinion
Both Sides In The Abortion Debate React To The Court Leak
Advocacy Groups In WNY Weigh In On Supreme Court Draft Opinion
A Clash of Movements
Demonstrations: Women’s March
The proposed bill would require SUNY schools to provide abortion pills on campuses
Opposition to the Reproductive Health Act
Rochester First. Com, News Channels 8 & 10
Demonstrators Gather in Rochester to Protest Kavanaugh Nomination
An Interview with Carol Crossed
News Radio WHAM 1180​
The Latest on the Abortion Pill
Family Life Radio
Special Feature- Feminists Choosing Life- At the Washington March
Family Life Radio
A Conversation Discussing the Legal Landscape of a Post-Roe America.
​Discussing the Future of Abortion in America: Connections.
What Will It Truly Mean To Be Pro-Life After Abortion Banned In Many American States?
NY Limited Pregnancy Centers Study
Discussing New York's Proposed Reproductive Health Act: Connections
30 Issues: Reproductive Health Act, Brian Lehrer Show
Conversations With Cardinal Dolan
Catholic Faith Network
Dear Jane Podcast: Can Feminists Be Pro-Life?
Youtube, Spotify, Audacity, Apple Podcasts
Life Brings Hope that Death Cannot: Wake Up NY!
The Whole-Life Democrat Blog​
Juneteenth 2023 - Special Edition
The Future of NY Abortion Pill Access After Federal Court Rulings
Local, Regional Reaction to Roe v. Wade Getting Overturned by SCOTUS
On-line News Video, Finger Lakes 1.com, NY
Planned Parenthood of Central & Western NY Expanding in Anticipation of Roe v. Wade
On-line News Video, Finger Lakes 1.com, NY
Officials React to Scotus Roe v. Wade Leak
Planned Parenthood Calls Possible Abortion Overturn 'Controlling,' Others Say It Will Re-Humanize
Better Arguments, Diverse Perspectives
Poor, Homeless, AND Pregnant
Stop Calling Violence Feminism: Abortion Kills Human Beings
Conservative Supreme Court Majority Appears Inclined to Scale Back Abortion Rights
Supreme Court Abortion Case: 5 Key Moments from Oral Arguments
Fox News
Dueling Rallies as U.S. Supreme Court Confronts Abortion Rights Case
Protests Outside Supreme Court Ahead of Abortion Rights Arguments
Not Your Mother's Pro-Life Protest
Supreme Court Appears Open to Upholding Mississippi Abortion Restriction
New York Times
Protesters at Supreme Court Square Off Over Abortion
Washington Post
Doctors' scrubs and fetal photos: Protesters and counter protesters gather as Supreme Court debates major abortion case
Business Insider
Amicus Brief: Dobbs vs. Jackson
Brief of 240 Women Scholars and Professionals, and ProLife Feminists Organizations.
FCLNY Lead Organizational Amici
Why Supreme Court Abortion Decision Empowers Women
Fox News
The Controversial Economics of Abortion Law
Wall Street Journal
Black Women Have Much at Stake in States Where Abortion Access May Vanish
How Changes in Abortion Law Could Impact Community Health
Some Abortion Opponents Make Economic Arguments. They’re In for a Fight
New York Times
Anti-Abortion Activists at Supreme Court Cite an Unlikely Authority for Overturning Roe v. Wade: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Washington Post
'Relic of the past': Why Women Don't Need Roe v. Wade to Flourish Now
USA Today
Mississippi Argues that Abortions are no Longer Necessary Because Women can have Successful Careers Now
Friends of the Court Part II
We Read All the Amicus Briefs in Dobbs So You Don’t Have To
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy
A Split Dividing Anti-Abortion Feminists
Why Hundreds of Scientists are Weighing in on a High-Stakes US Abortion Case
Some Other Noteworthy Amicus Briefs in Dobbs Abortion Case
Dobbs: The Court’s Historic Moment (Part 2)
Amicus Brief of 240 Women Scholars and Professionals et al.
Five Reasons Why the Supreme Court Should Overturn Roe v. Wade
Overturn Roe v. Wade? Why It Might Happen This Time
Female Scholars to SCOTUS: Abortion Deserves No Credit for Women’s Success
The Women's Alliance
Against Violence
An Initiative of the Thomas More Society created to challenge State laws which incentivize violence against women and children, including children in utero.
FCLNY Serves as an Educational Arm of the Women's Alliance Against Violence.
Second Circuit Takes up Challenge to NY Reproductive Health Law
Why Andrew Cuomo Faces Lawsuit Over New York's Abortion Law
Lawsuit over NY abortion law says it could help enable domestic abuse
Lawsuit Alleges New York Abortion Policy Harms Victims of Domestic Violence
‘Devastating’: Lawsuit Against New York Claims 2019 Abortion Bill Enables Domestic Violence
Victims Of Domestic Violence Sue NY State, Say Pro-Abortion Law Not Constitutional
Women File Lawsuit to Overturn Radical New York Law That Legalized Abortions Up to Birth
HOT TOPIC: Victims Challenge New York’s Reproductive Health Act in Historic Lawsuit (Thomas More Society)
Class action Lawsuit Filed Against New York’s Governor Over Radical Abortion Bill
Landmark Lawsuit Challenges New York's Reproductive Health Act
News 69 WFMZ, Yahoo Finance, Associated Press
Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against NY Governor, Other State Officials Over Reproductive Health Act
Lawsuit Says NY Abortion Law Makes Women More Vulnerable to Domestic Abuse - Here's Why
Lawsuit Accuses NY Abortion Law Of Helping Domestic Abusers
Gov. Cuomo faces Lawsuit Over New York’s Controversial Abortion Law
New York Sued Over ‘Dangerous Ambiguities’ In Liberal Abortion Law
Federal Lawsuit Challenges New York's Abortion Law
Suing NY Reproductive Heath (sic) Act
New York’s Controversial Reproductive Health Act
Historic Lawsuit Challenging New York's Reproductive Health Act
Winds of Change, Episode #5578